Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Love, February 8th and 9th, 2012

Begin with Raffi’s Shake My Sillies Out.

Book: Valentine Surprise by Corinne Demas

Poem: Chocolates by Jack Prelutsky. We used a heart shaped box with empty wrappers inside and a puppet to recite this poem.

I bought a box of chocolate hearts,
A present for my mother,
They looked so good I tasted one,
And then I tried another.
They both were so delicious
That I ate another four,
And then I ate another couple,
And then a half dozen more.
I couldn’t seem to stop myself,
I nibbled on and on,
Before I knew what happened
All the chocolate hearts were gone.
I felt a little guilty,
I was stuffed down to my socks.
I ate my mother’s valentine….
I hope she likes the box.

Book: Biggest Kiss by Joanna Walsh

Poem: The Love Bug we used an overhead projector so that parents would say the poem with us.

It begins with a grin  (smile broadly)
It turns to a giggle  (put both hands on mouth and giggle)
You start to laugh   (throw head back and laugh out loud)
Your legs start to wiggle (put feet in air and shake)
You look all around for someone to hug (move eyes back and forth)
What can you do?  (shrug shoulders)
You’ve caught the Love Bug  (hug another child or yourself)


Flannel Board: I’ll Give you Kisses by Diane Paterson 

Puppets/book: Love and Kisses by Sarah Wilson. We used animal puppets to act out the animals kissing instead of using the book.

Blow a kiss and let it go,
You never know how love will grow –
Smooch and Smack!
You kiss your cat.
Your cat may kiss a cow.

The cow may kiss a giggling goose,

The goose, a fish – somehow!

The fish Splish! Splash! May kiss a fox.

The fox may kiss a frog.

The frog may jump to plant a kiss upon a friendly dog.

The dog may kiss a frisky horse and catch him by surprise!

The horse may kiss a red-winged bird with twinkles in her eyes.

The bird may fly to kiss a cow,
Who’ll laugh a great big “MOOOO!”

The cow may run to kiss a cat, who’ll then kiss…..

You – know – who!
Kisses!  Kisses!
Smooch and smack!
You’ll have your love and kisses back!

Book: Where Does Love Come From?

Book: What Do You Love? by Jonathan London

What Do You Love? by Jonathan London
Activity: We had kids write the title of a book they love and their name on a heart and had them add the heart to the display on the window.

by Debbie

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